
So I finally finished the Shadow Captain I started back in November. Along the way however he’s gone through a few changes as a result of new models coming. Though I really liked the look I’d come up with, the Blood Angel Chaplain and Dark Fury Forgeworld models both had pieces that I really loved and wanted to add to this guy. As a result, he now sports a new jumpack and lightening claws. I also swapped out one shoulder pad for a more ornate version from Forgeworld.

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Way back in August I did a review of the Kromlech Tank Hunters with plans of using them to make some custom Tankbustas. Games Workshop has models, but as I may have mentioned before, I really hate Finecast regardless of how cool the models might look.

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Been rather radio silent of late, the downside of being an adult is that real life likes to get in the way of fun stuff like building and painting models.  Still I’ve recently gotten a project done that was sitting on the shelf collecting dust for quite a while.

I give you the Mega Dread.  Not a clue how effective he’ll be on the table, but he will look amazing towering over all my Boyz.

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I haven’t finished anything in a few months, I had an extended period of lovely weather that I spent outside and after that I just fell out of the habit of painting every night.  I’ve recently been trying to get back to it so I finished some Catachans.  I never paint these guys the same way twice, I mostly use them to practice painting different skin tones and ethnicities.


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Since I’ve begun working on a Raven Guard force I decided I needed a good warlord to lead it.  The Ravens have Shadow Captains in that position and Games Workshop does offer a single model in fine cast on their site.  While Shadow Captain Shrike is fairly cool looking, I deplore fine cast and knew I could do better.  Scavenging from my bit box and a few specific parts orders helped me custom build my perfect warlord.

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About two months ago I reviewed the Dreamforge APC and mentioned that I would be converting it into an Ork Trukk.  It has finally made its way through my little chop shop ready to wreak havoc on anyone that gets in its path.  In the hands of a Mek it has gained plenty of extra armor plates, a wrecking ball, and painted red for maximum destruction.

2015-11-09 19.11.49

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Astorath Front

Astorath is one of my favorite Blood Angel models and is one of the models that originally drew me to the army. The black wings, trailing scrolls and the weird Bram Stoker muscle armor combined with the Ozzy Osborn face and the flying overhead axe pose just make for an amazing over the top model. His fluffy insight into the Black Rage and the buffs he gives to the Death Company have left me wanting to field him since I started. The time is finally close at hand too.

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I love me some Orks, but had decided maybe it was time to jump into another faction with a small force. I love the fluff of the Raven Guard so I had started building some army lists and picking out models to purchase when all the reveals started popping up for the Raven Guard boxset and the new rules they are getting. Fate seemed to be working against my wallet so though I hadn’t really planned on jumping into them till end of year or early next, I’ve started now.

I managed to snag a Terminator Close Combat Squad box for cheap and had some bits so I figured I’d start experimenting on the paint side in preparation for the other models I’ll be buying. I love the beak and claw motif of the RG so modded a beak helmet for this guy and then went with a very basic paint scheme.

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Just a WIP update, I’ve been working on a Forgeworld Griffon which is a nightmare of Resin.  The Catachans should be the last few I do for a long while and the Tyranid Prime is going to be my HQ for my very small force of ‘nids.

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Finally completed my five Blood Angel Assault Marine Terminators, the models are gorgeous with a ton of details.



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