
All posts for the month June, 2016

Haven’t gotten much painting done recently, but I have been working hard on a battlewagon for my orks. Of course, since it’s me I couldn’t just build the standard kit, especially since it’s roughly the same size as my custom trukks. No, I had to go bigger and badder. So, like many before me, I took inspiration from Mad Max and started designing my own custom war rig. I’ve combined a GW Battlewagon kit and a cheap Revell snap-tite kit, along with lots of pieces from my bits box. I’ve actually used about 90 percent of the cheap kit in this build.


It’s not done yet, still needs a fair bit of dakka and some more arm and spiky bits put on, but I’m really happy with how it has been coming along. It’s a huge beast, 22 inches the front of the cab to the rear bumper of the detachable tanker. Will give me multi use of it as a terrain piece in some games.

Hopefully, I’ll have an update in the next few weeks with painted pictures to share.