
All posts tagged Tankbustas

Way back in August I did a review of the Kromlech Tank Hunters with plans of using them to make some custom Tankbustas. Games Workshop has models, but as I may have mentioned before, I really hate Finecast regardless of how cool the models might look.

2016-03-20 09.33.15

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About two months ago I reviewed the Dreamforge APC and mentioned that I would be converting it into an Ork Trukk.  It has finally made its way through my little chop shop ready to wreak havoc on anyone that gets in its path.  In the hands of a Mek it has gained plenty of extra armor plates, a wrecking ball, and painted red for maximum destruction.

2015-11-09 19.11.49

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I love the concept and rules of the Ork Tankbustas, I even love the look of the official models. What I do not like however is finecast, which is the only material currently available. Therefore, I decided to see what alternatives I could find and stumbled upon the Orc Tank Hunters Squad from Kromlech.


Kromlech is a company out of Poland that produces high quality resin miniatures and model bits. Their specialty is WW2 German themed Orc miniatures, though they do also have an assortment of Space Marines, Chaos Demons and Marines, along with a few Imperial Scotsmen. The Tank Hunters are from their Orc Greatcoat line.

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