I arrived home today to discover that my package from this Kickstarter had arrived unexpectedly. Having ripped into the package and played with the many bits and bobs I thought all of you good people out there might find it an interesting addition to their war gaming tables. It arrived incredibly quickly, so fast in fact that opening the package smelled like a campfire.
All posts by tentagil
About two months ago I reviewed the Dreamforge APC and mentioned that I would be converting it into an Ork Trukk. It has finally made its way through my little chop shop ready to wreak havoc on anyone that gets in its path. In the hands of a Mek it has gained plenty of extra armor plates, a wrecking ball, and painted red for maximum destruction.
I arrived home today to discover the Shadow Force Solaq boxset waiting at my door. Now if you’ve been following all the rumors and reveals on the various Warhammer news sites you’ve likely already seen a reviews of the boxes contents, but I figured I’d offer up my own unboxing anyway.
I love me some Orks, but had decided maybe it was time to jump into another faction with a small force. I love the fluff of the Raven Guard so I had started building some army lists and picking out models to purchase when all the reveals started popping up for the Raven Guard boxset and the new rules they are getting. Fate seemed to be working against my wallet so though I hadn’t really planned on jumping into them till end of year or early next, I’ve started now.
I managed to snag a Terminator Close Combat Squad box for cheap and had some bits so I figured I’d start experimenting on the paint side in preparation for the other models I’ll be buying. I love the beak and claw motif of the RG so modded a beak helmet for this guy and then went with a very basic paint scheme.
About two months back I posted the build for my custom Ork Trukk. While I really love how it came out, I have found that its primary role in my army has becomea transport for my Tankbustas. Since I have decided to build a custom squad of them with a WW2 theme I figured it would be a cool idea to build a second Trukk that fit the same look.
The original plan was to search out a model of the German SdKfz 251, of which there are plenty, but then I stumbled upon Dreamforge Games’ Eisenkern ‘Keilerkopf’ APC; which is essentially a stylized sci-fi SdKfz 251. It’s a beautiful kit, and prefect for my purposes.
Everyone has their own techniques and methods for painting miniatures, and I always find it interesting to see how others like to work. Sharing ideas and different tricks and tips is how we all learn and get better at the hobby. In that vein, and and since I happen to be working on a unit of Ork warbikers I thought I would give a little insight in to my particular process.
I love the concept and rules of the Ork Tankbustas, I even love the look of the official models. What I do not like however is finecast, which is the only material currently available. Therefore, I decided to see what alternatives I could find and stumbled upon the Orc Tank Hunters Squad from Kromlech.
Kromlech is a company out of Poland that produces high quality resin miniatures and model bits. Their specialty is WW2 German themed Orc miniatures, though they do also have an assortment of Space Marines, Chaos Demons and Marines, along with a few Imperial Scotsmen. The Tank Hunters are from their Orc Greatcoat line.
This match was a meet up at our friendly local game shop. We used the Endless War mission “The Scouring”, and a basic Dawn of War deployment. We placed the six primary objectives with three on my side and three on his side in essentially mirrored positions and only one objective was placed without any line of sight blocking terrain or cover around it.
I brought my Orks using the Ork Hoarde formation, while my opponent brought Ultra Marines using the Demi-Company and with a Librarius Conclave.
Ork Horde Detachment (1503pts)
Warboss w/ Power Klaw, Gift: Warboss Gazbag’s Blitzbike (Warlord)
Painboy Biker
Zhadsnark ‘Da Rippa’ (FW)
Nobz Bikers – Boss Nob w/ Bosspole, Power Klaw, 4 x Nobz w/ Big Choppa
Tankbustas Squad – 10x Tankbustas, Trukk w/ Big Shoota
3x Boyz Squads – Boss Nob w/ Bosspole, Power Klaw, Shoota, 20x Boyz w/ Shoota
3x Deffkoptas w/ Twin-linked Rokkit Launcha
3 x Warbuggies w/ Twin-linked Rockit Launcha
Battle Demi Company (1180pts):
Chaplain w/jump pack (Warlord)
3 Tactical Squads all w/ Flamers, Rhino, Veteran Sergeant
1 Devastator Squad w/ Missile Launchers (x4)
1 Assault Squad w/ veteran Sergeant
1 Dreadnought w/ multi melta, heavy flamer, power fistLibrarius Conclave (320pts):
Chief Librarian Tigurius – Biomancy
Librarian mastery lvl 2 – Telepathy
Librarian mastery lvl 1 – Divination
Last week I discussed the construction process on my Waaagh!!! Tower. With the basic construction completed, I wasted little time moving on to paint. I left it separated into the three main components of base, drop pod, and upper walkway so I could prime them separately with their base colors.
Now some people like to hand paint primer, others like an airbrush. I rather like Rust-Oleum’s Painter’s Touch spray primer for the purpose. It is thick enough for good even coverage but thin enough that it does not obscure details. As an added plus it comes in dozens of different colors and sheens.
For this project, I used Satin Nutmeg for the base. While the tower got a coating of Glossy Deep Blue with a blast of Flat Canyon Black for the interior and area right around the open doors to create a burnt out effect. The walkway I primed with a Flat Gray and then dry brushed with Pig Iron from the P3 line of model paints.
Once the three components were all dry I started the detailing process. All around the base, I used a mix of Citadel’s Armageddon Dust, Agrellan Earth, and P3’s Beast Hide and Rucksack Tan to create a variety of extra texture effects and variations in the color of the rocks and dirt. I also used the Rucksack Tan to give the effect of dust going over the open Drop Pod doors along with a thin wash of Seraphim Sepia.
The Drop Pod itself I hit with P3’s Quick Silver on all the holes, pits, and various marks I had carved into it. I also dry brushed the same color along any sharp edges. Then I hit all of the same areas with a light dry brushing of Citadel’s Ryza Rust and washed the entire thing in Nul Oil. The interior got a light dry brushing of Pig Iron and then Ryza Rust before also getting a wash.
With the base and the Pod done, I started on the walkway portion. This was the simplest part; I just hit everything with a dry brush of Ryza Rust and then a wash of the Nul Oil.
You may have also noticed that the Tower got two extra parts since my build post. As I was painting it there seemed like something was missing, the metal Waaagh!!! Banner was a no brainer, but even with it, the tower felt like it needed a topper. Enter an extra crow’s nest mounted top. I really think it pulls the whole project together. To close this post out, a few images of the tower with its Green skinned builders.