Raven Guard

All posts tagged Raven Guard

Fractured Kingdom

Weeks of planetary bombardment have broken the crust of the planet. Relics of an ancient kingdom rise, emanating immense power, as the land sinks. The sleeping guardians awake to defend what is eternally theirs.

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Following in the wake of the Vanguard Vets I finished a little over a week ago, I give you my first two Raven Guard Land Speeders. Ready to dart out of the shadows and blast their enemies to dust.

2016-07-17 10.03.45

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I recently finished a squad of Vanguard Veterans to go with the Shadow Captain I completed a few months ago.  Like him they are customized a good bit because I wanted a fairly specific look to them.

2016-07-07 22.01.35

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So I finally finished the Shadow Captain I started back in November. Along the way however he’s gone through a few changes as a result of new models coming. Though I really liked the look I’d come up with, the Blood Angel Chaplain and Dark Fury Forgeworld models both had pieces that I really loved and wanted to add to this guy. As a result, he now sports a new jumpack and lightening claws. I also swapped out one shoulder pad for a more ornate version from Forgeworld.

2016-04-27 11.53.47

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Since I’ve begun working on a Raven Guard force I decided I needed a good warlord to lead it.  The Ravens have Shadow Captains in that position and Games Workshop does offer a single model in fine cast on their site.  While Shadow Captain Shrike is fairly cool looking, I deplore fine cast and knew I could do better.  Scavenging from my bit box and a few specific parts orders helped me custom build my perfect warlord.

2015-11-25 07.19.20

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I arrived home today to discover the Shadow Force Solaq boxset waiting at my door.  Now if you’ve been following all the rumors and reveals on the various Warhammer news sites you’ve likely already seen a reviews of the boxes contents, but I figured I’d offer up my own unboxing anyway.

2015-10-28 17.49.18

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I love me some Orks, but had decided maybe it was time to jump into another faction with a small force. I love the fluff of the Raven Guard so I had started building some army lists and picking out models to purchase when all the reveals started popping up for the Raven Guard boxset and the new rules they are getting. Fate seemed to be working against my wallet so though I hadn’t really planned on jumping into them till end of year or early next, I’ve started now.

I managed to snag a Terminator Close Combat Squad box for cheap and had some bits so I figured I’d start experimenting on the paint side in preparation for the other models I’ll be buying. I love the beak and claw motif of the RG so modded a beak helmet for this guy and then went with a very basic paint scheme.

2015-10-11 21.40.04

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