Fairweather Hobbyist

All posts tagged Fairweather Hobbyist

My first post on the Baneblade construction. From my old blog, future updates will come here.


I wanted to show some extra details added to the Baneblade to fill some of the flat spots and blank areas.


First thing was a tow cable, I used the ends off a tow chain attached to some picture hanging wire.  You can also pick up jewelry chain for cheap from most craft stores if you prefer a linked chain look.

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The extra stowage on the side is from an old GW tank accessory sprue, I also took a couple of small wires and bent them to form some extra grab irons on the turret.

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I used some flat jewelry strips to form a holder for a spare running wheel on the side, I also have a couple of pieces of etched brass from the forgeworld sets added to the side.



Next steps are to prime and look for areas that need to be filled or leveled.