Chaos Space Marines

All posts tagged Chaos Space Marines

In the ruins of a former Imperial world on the edge of the great Warp rift known to the Orks as Mork’s Grin, the warband of Zagbad Tankkrusher searches for an ancient power source, a task set to him by his master Warboss Gorzag Shadbrac. Unbeknownst to him, Chaos too searches the ruins for some unknown prize.

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Fractured Kingdom

Weeks of planetary bombardment have broken the crust of the planet. Relics of an ancient kingdom rise, emanating immense power, as the land sinks. The sleeping guardians awake to defend what is eternally theirs.

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The Heldrake has a special place in my heart. I’m not exactly sure why but ever since I saw that first artwork and conceived to implement it on the tabletop I’ve been in to this foul hell beast. Now that my army has been trending Nurgle and Death Guard I plan to build a set of three kit bashed drakes. I’ll primarily be using two Heldrake kits and one Terrorgheist. The Terrorgheist has also been on my list for a long time, since I saw it in a White Dwarf years ago.

So much more sculpting to do. Next will be that fleshy mass on the upper spine. The tail will be a mass of cables impaling some unfortunate enemy.

You can check out my google photos gallery for more pictures. I’ll be adding future progress pics there as well.

I’d been working on this on and off for roughly three years. Nearly every step of the project was something I’d never attempted before. Casting, sculpting, weathering. The hardest to overcome was the procrastination, but here it is. Finally!

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