Since I’ve begun working on a Raven Guard force I decided I needed a good warlord to lead it. The Ravens have Shadow Captains in that position and Games Workshop does offer a single model in fine cast on their site. While Shadow Captain Shrike is fairly cool looking, I deplore fine cast and knew I could do better. Scavenging from my bit box and a few specific parts orders helped me custom build my perfect warlord.
The parts list is a fairly diverse mix of kits, recasts, and 3rd party bits. The head comes from the 3rd party company Anvil Industries. It’s a beautifully sculpted beaky helmet with wings across the sides of the face. A little pricy for a single small piece of resin, but well worth it for my purposes.
The chest and right shoulder pad are from the Forge World upgrade parts, specifically VI torso and IV shoulder pad because I wanted the little rim.
The legs, left shoulder pad, and jump pack were all stolen from a Sanguinary Guard kit and then the blood drops filed off. For the shoulder pad I mounted a small raven skull cut from a cheap resin recast of Shrike’s actual jump pack. While the lightening claws came from a Vanguard Veteran kit.
Then of course we have the base that I stole from a cheap recast of the Eversor Assassin and then mounted and augmented with a little green stuff and gravel. Of course everything is then pinned using some copper rod considering the very small contact point of my guy to the base.
Overall I’m really happy with how this guy has come out. Hopefully I’ll get some time over the holiday to paint him up, though I plan on taking my time on that, don’t want to screw up such a cool build with a bad paint job.