I love me some Orks, but had decided maybe it was time to jump into another faction with a small force. I love the fluff of the Raven Guard so I had started building some army lists and picking out models to purchase when all the reveals started popping up for the Raven Guard boxset and the new rules they are getting. Fate seemed to be working against my wallet so though I hadn’t really planned on jumping into them till end of year or early next, I’ve started now.
I managed to snag a Terminator Close Combat Squad box for cheap and had some bits so I figured I’d start experimenting on the paint side in preparation for the other models I’ll be buying. I love the beak and claw motif of the RG so modded a beak helmet for this guy and then went with a very basic paint scheme.
A flat black primer acted as my base coat, then two-tone on all the metallics, and white with a brown wash gave the skulls a nice aged looked. Then the red and sepia on the purity seal to add a tiny bit of color. It’s incredibly basic, but I think it looks really good and invokes the feel of the RG. I will of course be doing a more white on my sergeants and veterans, but even on them I think I’ll be doing less than the color schemes in the books. These guys are the masters of stealth after all.
Knowing that I will be fielding lots of scouts I picked up a box of them as well and started working. I don’t like the uncovered scout faces though so started looking for some better heads. I actually ordered a set of the Steampunk Guardsmen heads from Puppetwars, but it’s been nearly a month and they still haven’t even shipped. While digging thorugh my bits box for another project I discovered the heads from the troopers that came with the Dreamforge APC I reviewed a month or so ago.
They are a little stormtrooperish, but I really like the helmet and gasmask combo. So the plan will be a mix of these and then Puppetwars heads whenever they actually show up. Again, I’ve gone with a fairly basic paint scheme mirroring the Terminator. And I’ve gone with a simple three color urban style pattern on the camo cloaks which I think pops nicely.
I haven’t given up on my great Waaagh!!!, but expect a mix of Ravens and Orks over the coming months as I finally have the time to get back into modeling.