After seeing this post about painting and depression I had some comments about how I frequently paint when I’m frustrated or angry because it forces me to focus. This works because I keep multiple projects going so I’ve got a project I can work on regardless of mood. All the projects I tackle fit into one of three categories, a detail project, a troop project and a large project.
The detail project is a single model where I’m trying to paint to my top level. This usually requires substantial focus, a steady hand and time to dedicate to it. Examples are my Death Company and Blood Angels Captain. My current detail project is a squad of Assault Terminators.
The Troop project is for lack of a better word an easy project. These are units that I try to paint well but I’m not overly focused on. These are models that are more impressive for the number of them instead of standing out individually. The great part of these units is that I can’t paint them in any mood, minor stray marks and individual details and highlights aren’t as important. Examples are my Astra Militarum/Imperial Guard troops, or my Genestealers. Currently I’m working on some Catachan Veteran Troops.
My last type of project is a large project, these can be terrain pieces, monstrous creatures or vehicles. These I tackle at different levels of detail but the common thread is that any given step can take a substantial amount of time due to the scale. Examples of these are my Baneblade, the Sanctum Imperialis, and the Dreadnought. I haven’t decided on my next large project yet, I just finished the Baneblade but I’ll come up with something soon.
The other part of my 3 project method is I try and do something every night. Some nights I’ll paint a whole model or weather a large model. Other nights all I get done is painting a boot on a troop. The truth is I don’t know how much I’ll get done any given night until I try. Sometimes I think I won’t get much done and find I start painting and get quite a bit done. Other nights I just get a little bit done. The nice thing about getting a little bit done is if you get a little bit done every night, you find you finish a project anyways.